Anna Kournikova topless pictures are always popular online (no, this isn’t another hit counter enhancing gimmick post, honest!) – but why do we need to see a close-up of her breast? Poor girl – who would want to have her pictures splashed all over the internet? (And splashed all over, for that matter. oh, okay, I’ll get me coat.)
Another exhausting day, spent largely
Another exhausting day, spent largely behind the wheel of a lorry – a task that can be fun, but from which the novelty soon wears off. Still, I got a lot achieved, and earned a good sum for the nursery.
Tomorrow will be hectic too, but I’m looking forward to Friday night drinks.
My attempt to inflate my
My attempt to inflate my site visitor statistics artificially by including a link to Holly Valance has been most successful, not least because I initially misspelt her surname as Valence, and Google spidered this site before I had a chance to correct it. It seems that lots of other people spell it incorrectly too. Popular searches include “Holly Valence”, “Holly Valence naked” and “Valence+sex”. You’re all sooo predictable.
The latest images from the
The latest images from the Hubble Space Telescope are awesome. I’d love to come back in a few thousand years when we can travel to see these things close-up.
A very long and exhausting
A very long and exhausting day. Now to have dinner and read some college texts.
Or possibly just poke about the net.