Our very own Lord Percy needs to go and teach our very own Dave a lesson or two about dairy products.
The West Cornwall Pasty Co.
The West Cornwall Pasty Co. (no home page?) have opened a branch that is conveniently located on my main route into and out of the city centre. They sell very fine Cornish pasties. They are the perfect food for people who have been traipsing around the city centre on a very wet Saturday morning and are feeling a bit sorry for themselves.
Another thing that is good for people who are feeling a bit sorry for themselves is shopping. And this morning I have purchased a new shirt and a tie in the sale at Army and Navy, a pair of shockingly (for me) trendy jeans from D2 and a highly exciting diary insert for my filofax. And in my travels, I bumped into Nikki and was treated to a laugh and some sympathy for my woes, which was good.
Pet hates: People who say
Pet hates:
People who say they will telephone, and then don’t.
More than once.
I get the feeling I’m being messed around. And there is nothing that I have less patience for.
Claire by Gilbert O’Sullivan. Warm
Claire by Gilbert O’Sullivan. Warm fluffy song about babysitting, or something more sinister?
You know how you get
You know how you get to learn the order that the tracks go in on your favourite albums, so that you can be listening to it and start singing the next tune as it starts? Oh, just me then.
What’s really worrying is that I’m now able to do this with large chunks of radio grayblog. Really must add more tunes.
Not good. Not good at
Not good. Not good at all.
Interesting article although it doesn’t
Interesting article although it doesn’t touch on what I think is the biggest issue facing the UK housing market (both for purchase or rental), which is the supply side issue. House prices are likely to remain high, as changing demographics and social norms in the UK mean that demand continues to exceed supply in most areas.
Weight loss update: today’s weigh-in:
Weight loss update: today’s weigh-in: 13st 0lb! yay! 2lb lost! only 1lb more to go!
Actually the needle rested slightly below 13st, but let’s not get too excited yet.
But at this rate, next week I’ll be able to eat my first pie in nearly two months!