I do not find this at all surprising. Making museums free of charge is, in my opinion, a good thing. However, doing so does not make them cool in the minds of people who, regardless of background, get their culture from The Sun and Corrie. Perhaps the museums could try to broaden their appeal by getting support from a few icons of popular culture. Getting Posh and Becks to take Brooklyn for a day out to see the dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum would make a great photo opportunity. And, let’s face it, the dinosaurs are cool.
An impressive URL. via LMG.
Went to see Ted’s band
Went to see Ted’s band play The Fountain. I saw the first half of their set, which was good, filled with good bluesy rock tunes. But, I have to say, though the band was good, the singer wasn’t as good as Paul F – he just didn’t carry the (very packed and hot) audience with him.
After that, beer in W2 with Cat and Nicky, with sightings of DA, Kearn, Stein, Matt and several others.
This site cropped up in
This site cropped up in my referral logs and made me smile.
Let’s not mention today’s football
Let’s not mention today’s football result for Brighton, ok?
Doing my figures has taken me longer than I thought, so I haven’t got back to the shoe shop. This will be a good thing as far as my credit card balance is concerned. And the figures look pretty good too.
Hmm. A bit behind schedule
Hmm. A bit behind schedule with the day so far, not least because I have spent longer than anticipated in the city centre, poking about the shops. However, I completed my bank errands, bought some stationery for PFE, purchased a new paperback as I’ve nearly finished A Cook’s Tour, bought some odds and ends in Boots, did a full-on shop at Waitrose and spied a pair of really smart boots in Russell and Bromley. But although I am tempted to go and try them on, I shall resist until I’ve finished my paperwork.
This weekend’s agenda:soak in the
This weekend’s agenda:
- soak in the bath (done that)
- trip to the bank and Waitrose
- lunch of poached egg on bagel
- paperwork for PFE, largely rejigging the financial forecasts to reflect the money-saving office plan (thanks to everyone who sent advice on that, especially Dave
- dinner
- down to the Fountain to hear Don Eduardo’s band playing – not to be missed kids!
- sleep
- down to the cinema to see Smultronstället (a.k.a. Wild Strawberries), Ingmar Bergman’s classic 1957 road movie (11am at the New Park if anyone wants to come along)
- lunch at The Nags (anyone want to join me? I’ll probably be there by 1pm)
- a walk after lunch if the weather is good. If the weather is bad, then maybe sit and do some updating of radio grayblog
- cooking a fine roast dinner with all the trimmings, to be enjoyed with a good glass of red.