It is mad here at

It is mad here at the moment. The nursery is featured on the front cover of the magazine of the local newspaper, so it is somewhat busier than normal, although the poor weather has negated some of the positive effect of the publicity. In addition to all that, I’m trying to find time for PFE – as of next week, I’ll be dedicating time to it properly, as I will only be working part time for the nursery.
I really could use a break. I was working until nearly midnight last night, installing software on the laptop (HomeSite, PaintShopPro, Filezilla – all for building and managing PFE’s website) and transferring files from my home desktop (need to do the same here in the office). When I finally went to bed after doing some washing up and sorting out some laundry, I pulled a book off the shelf to read. I woke up at 1am with my face pressed into the page. When I woke up this morning, I’d slept through 40 minutes of Sara Cox (no mean feat!), and felt like the bed was completely enveloping me – it was really hard to get out, I was so tired.
But there is still no chance of a break at the moment, so there’s no sense in moaning about it.