If you’re planning to visit

If you’re planning to visit Chichester this weekend, then you’ve picked a good weekend to do so. It’s the beginning of the Chichester Festivities, with all sorts of street performers, theatre, music, art and more. And the weather forecast is pretty good too.

I had been planning to

I had been planning to take Sunday 13th off, and spend it doing enjoyable things. Today, my brother booked himself a holiday in Cyprus, which means that he will not be able to work at the Parham House Garden Weekend that day, something he agreed to do almost six months ago. Nobody else can do it, as it involves driving a hired van – mum doesn’t drive and dad, being over 70, is not insured to drive it. Consequently, I’m going to have to give up my day off, and abandon my plans for that day.
To say that I am annoyed that he didn’t bother to check even his own diary before booking his holiday, thereby fouling up plans for the rest of the family, would be an extraordinarily polite understatement.

Hmm. My fax machine is

Hmm. My fax machine is borked. I can’t get a dial tone, and I suspect that is related to last week’s electrical storm damage. It’s too low in value to claim on my office contents insurance policy, so I’ve packed it up and am sending it back to the manufacturer under guarantee. Hopefully they’ll just think it is a fault and will repair it and send it back, but I guess they might just say it was damaged due to a power surge, something that is specifically excluded from the guarantee. We shall see.