Naming poll

The latest on the cat name poll (scroll down a bit to vote) is that Nipples is in the lead (oh dear), with Sprout and Rommel following in second and third. I’ll keep the poll going until Friday, when I’ll declare a winner. However, at the moment I feel the approaching force of the wifely veto if Nipples wins.

Remember: the poll outcome may not indicate the actual name given to the cat.

Name the cat!

Just one vote per day, kiddies!

Poll results are not necessarily indicative of the name that may finally be given to the cat.

Cat names

Following the recent posting of pictures of the kittens, there has been some discussion of the best name for our little girl cat, since the boy will be named Monty. Rommel appears to be sticking, although Hels doesn’t think we can call a girl-cat Rommel. So, as a compromise, our friend Kathy has suggested Rommelle.

Which I think is great.


So, whilst I may not be at the bloggers’ party tonight, I can live up to one other blogging tradition – yes, at long last, a post about kittens! I just know that this is going to make Vaughan jealous.
This week, we went down to the RSPCA cat rehoming centre at Hastings and put our name down for these two "poor little fellas". They’re going to make it, Rolf.
This one has been named Monty by us.
He’s completely mad, a total livewire. He’s bound to wreck the place.

This one has yet to be given a name.
no name yet
She’s much more quiet and retiring, in marked contrast to Monty. We reckon that, once we have her here, a name will come to us.

The RSPCA will send out a visitor to check that we’re ok to own cats, but since we’ve already passed the test with another animal rehoming charity within the last week, we’re confident that it will just be a formality. In fact, we’re so confident that we went out and purchased kitten food, a litter tray, litter, a new cat flap (now fitted), a scratching post, a basket, a carrier and assorted toys today.
This is going to be fun.