books that might be of interest to somebody (but goodness knows who), recently published by Timber Press:
– Myxomycetes: A Handbook of Slime Molds – ideal for identifying that thing growing behind the sink in the bathroom;
– Plantae Wilsoniae: An Enumeration of the Woody Plants Collected in Western China for the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University During The Years 1907, 1908 and 1910 by E H Wilson – essentially a list of plants, in three volumes. yawn.
– Moss Gardening, including Lichens and Liverworts – more shades of green than you could shake a stick at.
– The Woody Iridaceae: Nivenia, Klattia and Witsenia – essentially funny looking Irises on sticks – ok, I’ll admit it, I’d love this book!
– Practical Protein Electrophoresis for Genetic Research – say what?