Sigh. Post Christmas malaise is

Sigh. Post Christmas malaise is setting in. The weather has been grey and misty all day, and I’ve just taken the Christmas decorations down. The flat seems horribly cold and empty without them. I hate this time of year.
But to liven things up, I’ve spent the last 24 hours in the company of Penn to celebrate her birthday, which included dinner with her friends and family, then on to a club (yes! me in a nightclub! that’ll make it snow or something. I was even seen to dance!!) with Penn, Matt, Jules, Claire, Malcolm, Graham, Lester and Sally. A really good night – a lovely crowd of people – thanks for making the stranger so welcome.
Anyway, to beat the post Christmas blues, I’m heading to the Nags shortly to spend time with my lovely friends, then tomorrow I’m going for lunch with Sarah, and in the evening I’m going to go and see a film.