I mentioned that the nursery was ceasing regular opening, and I promised to explain what was happening. It’s pretty simple really – I’m leaving the nursery to focus on running PFE, and my parents are both of an age when they should be retired more than they are. So, they are going to stop running the nursery in the way that it has been (i.e. growing shedloads of plants and dealing with the public), and focus on developing a garden – in other words, spend more time doing what they want to do rather than do what the darned customers expect them to do. Dad will carry on with his plant breeding work, which I will be representing within the PFE portfolio. And in the future, the nursery will reopen under my brother’s command – well, that’s the theory at least. He has to build a new home at the nursery first.
I think it should lead to a much better quality of life for just about everyone. New challenges for me and Tim, who like that sort of thing, and a more relaxed lifestyle for Mum and Dad. Let’s just hope that the actuality lives up to the expectation.