An eye on the header

I uploaded three new header graphics today – there are rather a lot now, so it may be some time before they appear when you visit here (unless you sit hitting refresh all day long), but they are entitled bubbleplastic, polycarbonate and lamp.
I get quite a kick when the one with Hels’s eyes comes up, particularly when I haven’t seen her for a day or two.

2 Replies to “An eye on the header”

  1. I got the bubblewrap one immediately! But can’t it be animated, with sound effects please . . . so that we can sit there popping it to our hearts’ content?

    (The strange thing with random headers, as I’ve discovered in the almost two years I’ve had mine, is that there are one or two you almost never see. My squirrel is particularly elusive – er, if you know what I mean)

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