Just got back from the

Just got back from the CIM presentation, where my hatred for being the subject of photography was reaffirmed. Cicestrians should get to see some of the results (a picture of me, Hev, Libby, Paul and Nicola) in the Observer this week next week (probably).
The presentation itself was not very exciting, although praise was heaped upon the recipients (which included me) which is always nice. Heather was given an armload of silverware, although she had to give the biggest bit back, as she gained the highest results in the region.
We decided not to stay for the talk that was given afterwards, as just about three quarters of the assembled guests scarpered after the presentation and sandwiches. Hev also noticed that the vast majority of the recipients of awards were female and wore dark suits – in a way, it was a shame I didn’t get to network more, but there was gossiping to be done with Paul and Nicola.
However, amongst the people we did meet was grayblog reader and occasional comment author, Robbie Boy, who seems a very good egg indeed.