A good guide in plain English.
The Natural History Museum’s project on bumblebees, complete with a simple and useful identification guide for British species.
Bumblebees have 0.000001% of the number of brain cells that you have, but they can find their way to Tesco without satnav.
Excellent reportage photography, principally of Palestine but also candid photos from the Barack Obama campaign trail.
Damn! Under the Dutch system, I would get £250/month towards my childcare costs. Under the UK system, I get £34.
We wouldn’t get that much, but I suspect that is because I’ve used our current UK income for the calculator. We have always reckoned that our income would be considerably reduced if we moved to the Netherlands as we don’t think Hels would find a job with a salary even close to what she earns now. In any case, the Dutch system is clearly more generous than the UK system. Not only that, but it would allow us to pay grandparents to care for Tom if they registered with the authorities. If we included grandparent hours, we’d get around EUR 290 per month. Hmmm.
If I put in an income figure that is close to what I think is realistic for what we might jointly earn if we moved, I get a figure of EUR 365 per month. Hmmm and double hmmm.