Unbelievable – nobody turned up

Unbelievable – nobody turned up for the post-pub piss-up last night – a complete blow out. Instead, we’re supposed to meet in two weeks time for another attempt. I wonder if that will be abortive as well. I have no friends.

Instead, I went to W2 and met up with KM, PF, SK and, of course, AW, and got fairly drunk, having had no food to speak of. Which led to the amusing combination of an illness-induced headache and an alcohol-induced headache this morning, which was not an entirely pleasant experience, and yet not entirely unpleasant either.

I’ve just started re-reading The Thought Gang by Tibor Fischer. I first read it around the time it came out, which must be four or five years ago now. It’s a great novel, somewhat quirky, about an unemployed fugitive English philosopher who goes to France and falls in with a one-armed bandit…literally, a thief with one arm. Together, they plan and execute a bunch of philosophical bank robberies – an interesting concept.

Fischer is one of my favourite authors, along with Douglas Coupland and Ben Richards (invisible on the net – anyone know any sites about him/his work?). I’ve just read Coupland’s latest (Miss Wyoming) but I really ought to be reading books related to marketing – then I might stand a good chance of passing this course. But that’s far too dull. Besides, textbooks are too big to read in the bath.


today my throat feels

today my throat feels like a large lump of raw potato is wedged in it. if you’ve never tried wedging a large lump of raw potato in your throat, it isn’t something I’d recommend – and I should know.

seems I have given my cold to AW – she woke up this morning complaining of a sore throat. looks like I’ll have to play nurse again – at least it should be less brown and smelly than the last time (you don’t want to know).

looks like a fair turnout for the post-college beer sesh tonight. I’ve invited everyone that I have e-mail addresses for, which is 13 out of the class of 20, and it looks like about 8 or 9 should show up, which is pretty good.

so if I write anything for the ‘blog tomorrow, it’ll be thru a haze of hangover, as there is no chance to get more than a snack before heading to the pub – beer+empty stomach = hangover.

a bit better today, but

a bit better today, but still kof-kofing. would help if I slept a bit better, but AW is sooooooo stressed out at the moment, that it isn’t easy. not sure how to help her be a little less stressed – other than winning the lottery and whisking her away somewhere.

TPL score this week – 24, taking my total to 122. not impressive. (TPL = fantasy football game thingy)

ugh. I hate being ill.

ugh. I hate being ill.
it all started on Saturday night – an innocuous sore throat.
today I feel like death warmed up. I really shouldn’t be at work, but there is just too much to do. Might cry off early though, and get some zzzzzs

yesterday was a day for abject silliness. A long lie-in, followed by a trip to Arundel (stopping for that rare commodity – petrol – on the way) to play silly buggers with AW on the putting greens. really good fun, and a cheap bit of silliness too, costing only £1.60 each!
well, I thought it was exciting anyway. AW won by some margin, but I reckon that with a bit of practice I can thrash the pants off her (oooer).
might try to get the posse enthusiastic about the idea of going for an afternoon of putting soon.

work life seems to be returning to “normal”. our parcel people are getting back to work after the fuel debacle (I refuse to call it a crisis – debacle seems much more appropriate), so goods are moving in and out again, and so is money. all good stuff.

plans for the week? college homework tonight I think, college on Weds and Thurs, a post-college beer sesh on Thurs and possibly some more beer on Fri. I can barely stand the pace.

hi – welcome to Grayblog

hi – welcome to Grayblog
exciting, isn’t it!!

you may want to know a bit about me….

well, I’m Graybo
let’s get the boring bits out the way:
male, 29, 6ft1in, resident in Chichester, Sussex, UK. Work in horticulture. I’m single but firmly attached to AW, who I met nearly 7 months ago. She’s female, 34, 5ft4in, resident in Aldwick, Sussex, UK. She works in education.

I drink in W2, which is a bar. I go there with my friends:
KF – male, 29, an old school friend. Works in computing.
SJP – female, 29, also an old school friend. Works in publishing.
FC – female, 30, met thru SJP. Works in publishing.
PF – male, 35, met in W2. Works in design.
IC – male, 31, met in W2. Works in entertainment.
SK – female, 31, met….um…not sure actually. In W2 I guess. Works in publishing. Loosely attached to IC.
AR – male, 30, met in W2. Works in computing.
KM – male, 40, met in W2. Works in horticulture.
DA – male, 30ish, met in W2. Jeweller.
SH – female, 30ish, met in W2. Works in computing. Attached to DA.
TK – female, 28, sister of SK. Dancer.

there are others. I guess I’ll introduce them as we go along.

So what am I doing with a blog?
dunno really. I used to keep a diary long ago, but it got to be a bit of a pain, all that writing and pens and stuff. So this is kinda going to be a diary, plus a forum for me to vent my spleen every now and then and ramble on aimlessly about whatever might be troubling me.

or something like that…..