Hmm. I’m going through another

Hmm. I’m going through another of my not-very-interesting phases again here. Sorry, regular readers – I notice from my stats that readership has fallen off by around 20% in the last five days, so you must be bored rigid (even more so than usual). I guess talking about trains, cricket and the good old days just doesn’t make for exciting reading. The trouble is that life is packed at the moment, albeit with lots of good things, but things I can’t talk about here at the moment. Consequently, I don’t have much time for long (semi-)interesting rambles and updates (not even updates to radio grayblog), and the stuff that is going on can’t be spoken of.
So, I advise you to keep checking back here in case the situation changes, but in the meantime check out some of my current favourite reads (this list changes daily, so no offence to anyone who has been missed out):
Parallax View
Cult of Robyn
The Yes/No Interlude