This is better than popping bubble wrap!
A long and busy day
A long and busy day at work. And guess what?! Yep, more work to do this evening now that I’m home. Still, it is work for me and my business, so it isn’t bad. Progress is being made.
Visitor number 100,000 didn’t say
Visitor number 100,000 didn’t say hello, but visitor 100,001 did.
Still haven’t got to 100k
Still haven’t got to 100k yet.
Three items from today’s Telegraph that are worth a look:
- Kirsty MacColl’s family are furious that the guy driving the boat that killed her has been given a fine of just £61
- Gaby Rado obituary
- Tupperware party turns into a wake
There is also a feature by a man about being stalked which is interesting, although not archived on the website lamentably.
Visitor 100k expected very soon.
Visitor 100k expected very soon. Say hello! (counter in the sidebar).
urf. Just eaten a huge
urf. Just eaten a huge but superb roast dinner.
I need to diet. One month to lose 6lb – whaddya reckon?
This site could be useful
This site could be useful if you travel by rail within Europe or beyond, which is conceivably something I’ll be doing more of.
Gaby Rado, RIP.
Gaby Rado, RIP.
We haven’t had any pictures
We haven’t had any pictures for a while, so here are a few for you.
Firstly, you may remember that I went to Kew Gardens a few weeks ago with my friend Rachel. Here she is, stood on a gantry on the walkway around the roof of the Temperate House, fiddling with her camera.
Last Sunday, the sky was very blue indeed. So much so that I took a photo of it.
Granted, not the most exciting photo I’ve ever taken, but it was really blue! Not sure where that piece of fluff came from though. Unless it wasn’t fluff, but a very small plane doing aerobatics.
I’ve noticed recently that the council have numbered all the trees along the side of the road and in the parks. Presumably it is easier for them to keep records of the trees this way, as it must be easier to find tree number 00412 than send someone looking for the maple near the top of the steps by the junction of Orchard Street, Chapel Street and North Walls.
I noticed that if you stand at the bottom of the steps that lead up on to the wall by the junction of North Walls and Tower Street, you can’t see anything at the top except sky. For some reason this amused me.