I discovered a great new
Hmm. One of my Thievery
Hmm. One of my Thievery Corporation CDs is missing – it’s not in its case. Slightly worrying. Anyone borrowed it?
Secret project is currently undergoing
Secret project is currently undergoing rigorous testing. All seems to work fine, and the launch is scheduled for this weekend.
Pet hates: customers who ask
Pet hates: customers who ask for discount. Why should I give them a discount? The price on the product is fair and reasonable, and the product is in A1 condition. In a time when online price comparison is easy, you can not afford to be anything other than fair in pricing. The prices set are reasonable, reflect our costs and, ultimately, are intended to provide a profit to reward our efforts. So why challenge it? Because ours is a small business, and they think they can get away with it. Would they ask the checkout operator in Tesco to discount the price of a tin of beans? Somehow I doubt it.
Is it me, or has
Is it me, or has there been a marked increase in 404 errors at news.bbc.co.uk since the restructuring of the site?
Aha! This explains why Sarah
Aha! This explains why Sarah hasn’t answered any email today.
Cocktails tonight with Arron, Guy,
Cocktails tonight with Arron, Guy, Aris, Kearn, Chris, Paul F (and, yes, I would wear a jacket like that. In fact, I do. Check that you can’t be heard across the car park when the back door is open.) and Ted, with sightings of Dave, Terry, Hamish, Nik, Kristian, Helen N and Helen N’s mate Helen. Someone else might have been there, but I can’t be sure (arf!).
Secret project has just taken
Secret project has just taken another small step forward. I’m *REALLY* getting excited about this.
Meanwhile, it’s bloody humid. There are some very threatening clouds around, and the weather forecast on the Beeb shows lots of storms nearby, but nothing to break it here yet.
I’m not sure that I
I’m not sure that I want to know. via Nico.