Official Oktoberfest jugs. Arf.
Oh no! Not entirely surprising, but a sad end to a great career, nonetheless.
Flight of fancy?
Sitting on board the Maersk Delft, waiting to depart Dover docks, passengers stare as the huge MSC Armonia glides into dock, flash bulbs glinting as passengers get the obligatory shot of the not-so-white Cliffs of Dover. As the ferry finally moves off from the quay, only a few minutes late, some wag plays Ride of the Valkyries on the entertainment system. Hmm, slightly fanciful thinking, I feel.
links for 2008-08-24
Just looking at the photos shows what separates Soviet (and now Russian) space technology from NASA's and ESA's equivalents – no frills. Less bells and whistles means less to go wrong, although that doesn't make them infallible.
This could be an issue that directly impacts my business, particularly as I'm currently exploring a joint venture with a business based in Barcelona.
links for 2008-08-14
British Heart Foundation video on heart attacks. Watch it – it's two minutes that might save your life.
links for 2008-08-13 [delicious.com]
A rare opportunity to see the words faeces, turd and shit all in the same BBC News item.
Hmm. Well, it seems it is a fraud, or at least a deception, as I suspected. Might just claim the .asia and .cn forms of my domain now, just for safe keeping.
I've just received one of these emails. Now what should I do? I already own .com, .co.uk, .eu, .nl and .be flavours of my work domain, as well as some variant spellings for .co.uk
links for 2008-08-12 [delicious.com]
With increasing pressure to limit or even end the use of growth regulators on ornamental crops, this sort of thing could become very important. And, as a hormone therapy rather than genetic modification, it should be possible to use in controlled conditions without too much legal restriction.
Meme instead of work
So sue me. Or him.
1. My uncle once: fell over the side of an aircraft carrier in a plane. Actually, he did it more than once.
2. Never in my life: flown in a hot air balloon.
3. When I was five: I began primary school. My teacher was called Miss English, and I told her that my parents were aged 21 and 18.
4. High school was: not as great as people sometimes claim. But not as bad either. And probably a missed opportunity, particularly the sixth form.
5. I will never forget: the day that Tom was born.
6. Once I met: Molly Sugden. She visited my parent’s nursery and forgot to take her credit card after the transaction.
7. There’s this girl I know. Fact.
8. Once, at a bar: I was stalked by a midget with a perm.
9. By noon, I’m usually: thirsty.
10. Last night: I fought with Tom whilst trying to persuade him to sleep and then went to bed early myself. My patience is dramatically reduced when I feel ill.
11. If only I had: more money, time and self-discipline.
12. Next time I go to church: I’ll probably be with Tom and we’ll admire the architecture.
13. What worries me most: is not much at all. I don’t worry about much, as it seems a rather futile activity. But I’m concerned about the future, like most people. You can only wish to be happy, comfortable and for your child to have it better than you did.
14. When I turn my head left I see: the garden – lots of plants in flower, plus Tom’s trike parked outside the door.
15. When I turn my head right I see: a couple of pot plants and the stereo.
16. You know I’m lying when: I admit to it.
17. What I miss most about the Eighties is: the lack of responsibility. As I was in my early to mid teens during that period, I didn’t have much responsibility at all. Unfortunately, it was a missed opportunity – I should have grasped those years a bit more.
18. If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be: Banquo? Nah, who am I kidding?
19. By this time next year: we’ll be millionaires, Rodney! Alternatively, I might have finished those draft posts for this site.
20. A better name for me would be: um, actually, I like the one I have.
21. I have a hard time understanding: people who don’t think things through and use the evidence available to their own senses. I can understand why Richard Dawkins gets so frustrated by people who don’t agree with the findings of empiricists.
22. If I ever go back to school, I’ll: have taken a wrong turning.
23. You know I like you if: I relax. You’ll know it when you see it.
24. If I ever won an award, the first person I would thank would be: Hels.
25. Take my advice, never: clean your headlamps with a baby wipe and then try to stick “beam benders” on. It won’t work. (What? You wanted a philosophical answer??)
26. My ideal breakfast is: Dorset Cereals Simply Delicious muesli with cold milk. Plus eggs, bacon, toast, tomato, black pudding, juice, coffee, cheese, bread, ham…
27. A song I love but do not have is: not known to me yet. I tend to download stuff I like soon after hearing it.
28. If you visit my hometown, I suggest you: visit the Cathedral and then a pub (assuming you mean the place I consider my hometown. If you mean the place where I live, then visit the church – it has a surprise inside).
29. Why won’t people: just give me the f***ing money now!
30. If you spend a night at my house: you’d eat well, drink well and, hopefully, relax.
31. I’d stop my wedding for: nothing, except a fire alarm perhaps. Done it already.
32. The world could do without: about three quarters of its human population. Obviously you and I are exempt from this.
33. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: its feet.
34. My favourite blonde(s) is/are: my wife.
35. Paper clips are more useful than: staples if you want to take the pages apart again after fixing them together.
36. If I do anything well it’s: cook duck à l’orange.
37. I can’t help but: I have a short attent
38. I usually cry: when peeling onions.
39. My advice to my child/nephew/niece: is to never stop asking questions.
40. And by the way: isn’t it your round?