Neighbours complain about naked woman’s singing. Romanians again. I like the guy’s story about being in the lift at the same time – what a coincidence!
Boyfriend for hire – ah,
Boyfriend for hire – ah, Romanians…don’t we just love ’em?
AW has also suggested that
AW has also suggested that I have belittled the storms that we have had for the last few days. Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear. What I meant was that the gales and winds were nothing compared to 1987. The flooding, on the other hand, is much worse, more like 1988. So yeh, if you are reading this whilst up to your neck in muddy water, then it is pretty bad, and you have my sympathy.
AW has suggested that people
AW has suggested that people reading this blog might think that I’m as miserable as sin and (to use her words) “an old fart”. humph.
well, for the record, I’m not an old fart. well, not much anyway.
I get precious little feedback from Grayblog users, so be a pal and send me mail, otherwise how can I possibly tell if I’m a fart or not??
some people have waaaaay too much time
don’t you just hate it
don’t you just hate it when the clocks change, and suddenly it is dark at 5pm. ugh. I can see why some creatures hibernate now.
prospects are not good for getting a train home tonight – looks like connex are still not running any sort of service.
there are still torrents of water pouring off the fields here, although we haven’t had any new rain since mid-morning. having surveyed the nursery, damage seems to be limited to severe waterlogging, some flooding, two fallen trees and two damaged trees – a pretty low score really. instantly, some people are comparing it to the “Great Storm” of 1987. I was here then, and i can tell you for free that what we got last night and this morning was **nothing** in comparison to 87!
sheep in blue nightdress??
my god, it’s wet out
my god, it’s wet out there. and rough. no trains. flooding. trees down. go check the news for the gory details.
happiness is working at your
happiness is working at your PC with a warm cat asleep on your lap (and snoring!)
Following a link from the
Following a link from the above-named blog, I found Graham Barker’s Navel Fluff Page – to which the only reaction has to be “eeewwwwww!”. I mean, red fluff??! mine is a more typical grey-blue shade. Ugh, really don’t want to think about that.