TPL – a shockingly not-bad

TPL – a shockingly not-bad 29 points. actually had two goals, not one. have crept up to 16th in our league as of last week, and may have managed to creep a bit further.

Grayblog has moved again –

Grayblog has moved again – if you are reading this, you know that already. Please update links –
Yep – I’ve been and bought a domain. Will have to fork out to get rid of that banner though – pretty darned ugly.

apologies for all those who

apologies for all those who have been looking at an error message this morning. Port5 say they are working on it. I am considering a move for Grayblog, but will inform everyone through the normal channels if that comes to pass.

Decorating update: dad came round

Decorating update: dad came round yesterday and helpfully fixed my sticking front door and put up most of my new light fittings. I’m hopeless at DIY, so I leave it all to him. Have to cook dinner for the parents soon in exchange.