TPL update: another poor weekend

TPL update: another poor weekend from my team – my defence took a pounding (from Spurs of all people) and only one of my forwards scored a goal – and was then booked by the ref. So don’t expect a huge score this week. On the other hand, local team in Division Three (and therefore not in the TPL game) Brighton and Hove Albion, who I have followed since I was a kid (can’t claim to be a supporter) are in fine form, in second place, and had a 4-0 home win on Saturday – good stuff. Wish I could have their players in my TPL team.

more mail from Matt over

more mail from Matt over the weekend, asking what it is that I give lectures on. I give lectures on plants – in other words, I talk about my work. Not very exciting I’m afraid, but it brings in a bit extra cash and promotes the business at the same time. I started doing them about 8 or 9 years ago, mostly to local gardening clubs, but now I get bookings from far and wide – last year I gave two lectures in Philadelphia, and there has been talk of a trip to California, but that hasn’t happened yet. The problem is that, whilst I am well known on the local “circuit”, I’m not so well known nationally or internationally. I keep playing with a website to promote my lecture activites, but still haven’t got round to putting it online. I guess I should somewhen.

today is “Buy Nothing Day”,

today is “Buy Nothing Day“, the idea being we can all assuage our guilty consciences by doing nothing. yeh, right. another typically dumb idea from our illogical cousins across the Atlantic (no offence meant to any logical Americans that may be reading this).
so far today, I have bought petrol, a newspaper, a loaf of bread and a CD. in what is left of today I intend to purchase a takeaway and some beer. anyone got a problem with that?

yesterday’s trip to Pinner was

yesterday’s trip to Pinner was reasonably successful, although I think I should have charged more than £75 for doing it. the journey was horrid – torrential rain on the way there, horrendous traffic on the way back. ugh.
tonight I have to do a more local talk, although I’ve been told that I have to go a very long way round to get there because of road closures caused by flooding. lovely.
other news: british gas have cocked up my booking and charged me for a one-off inspection AND an annual service charge. useless.

too much to do, too

too much to do, too little time!
off to London (well, Pinner, Middlesex) to do a lecture today, so make the most of it, this is all the blogging you are going to get.
mildly stressed about exams now, not helped by going to college last night and spending three hours in a room with 15 other very stressed people. can’t say there is much optimism around at the moment, but I think I can pass if I can get some revision done. will almost certainly miss college tonight, as I doubt that I will be back in time, so will use the opportunity to get more reading done, and spend some time with AW as she is going away to her sister’s this weekend.