today is my last day

today is my last day in the office – I’ll not be back until January 8th. expect only sporadic blogging between now and then – over Christmas I’ll either blog from home, or pop in here when visiting the parents. over New Year, we are all going on a week long jaunt to Derbyshire (we being me, AW, Kev, Kearn, DA, Sarah, Sacha and Ian) – Kev has talked about bringing his laptop, so it may be possible to blog from there.

last night, mum and dad

last night, mum and dad went to see Jools Holland play at the Brighton Centre, which they say was excellent. and guess what? Sam Brown was there, singing, bless her. I’m dead jealous now. in all the years I’ve bought Sam Brown’s music and listened to it (since about 1988 I think), I’ve never yet managed to see her play. envy envy envy.
Worse still, my new Sam Brown album and single have not yet arrived. I’ve just fired off a (second) e-mail to mudhut records asking what is going on.

spring is on its way.

spring is on its way. today is the winter solstice, and the shortest day is certainly being true to form here – I got up this morning to be greeted by unremitting gloom, leaden skies and empty streets. but at least it gets better from here on.

all my favourite blogs seem

all my favourite blogs seem to have a warm christmassy glow about them at the moment – click on the links in the navbar and see for yourself.
have to say that reading them has contributed hugely to lifting blue mood that prevailed earlier. that and going out to buy AW’s chrimbo pressie.
tomorrow’s mission: more pressie buying and the hunt for good quality silver tinsel.