post pub blogging. never a good plan. and I am soooooooooooooo tired.
anyway, before I go to bed, I thought I’d let you know that tonight, after doing laundry, washing up, housework, cooking and email duty, i had beer with [deep breath] Brenda, Greg, Paul F, Tam, DA, DAGS, Arron, Al, Ian (happy birthday!), Sacha, Anne (happy birthday!), Simone, Clive, Matt, DJ, Cat, Steve, Tim, Tanya, Claudette (we’ll miss you! sob!!), James, Jayne, Kearn, DJ – oh god, countless people. If I missed you, I’m sorry!
But I’m soooo tired, I need to sleep.
Incidentally, Vaughan has moved his blog but I am too tired, so will alter the link list tomorrow or Monday or somewhen. But go read his site anyway, because the man thinks.