Lots of emphasis is likely

Lots of emphasis is likely to be placed on the effect that the Government’s proposals for a civil partnerships register is going to have on homosexual couples. But I don’t think that the impact on heterosexual couples should be understated either.
I’m not so sure that it is really undermining the institution of marriage in any way. Many couples underwrite marriage with a pre-nuptial agreement these days anyway, which seems to me to speak volumes about the practical weaknesses, not strengths, of marriage as an institution. The civil partnerships register is almost akin to a pre-nup without the ceremony of marriage, so it can’t possibly have the same status or gravitas that marriage has.
In a way, there is an argument for actually having both institutions running in parallel.

Read an article in The

Read an article in The Times today about greatboyfriends.com, wherein women recommend male friends (principally ex-boyfriends) to others via the wonderful medium known as the web. This does seem slightly odd and not a little dysfunctional. But what is more worrying is the implication of the "I’m a Guy" page that suggests that, if you are a single bloke, you get your mum to vouch for you. Surely that is the ultimate in desperation??

Two good things today –

Two good things today – firstly, taking the time to reorganise my finances this morning so that Christmas will be adequately funded by Messrs Barclays (in expectation of significantly improved income from February), then ruining it all by going to Reading with Bren for a day of Christmas shopping. Failed miserably in the present buying department (just a small one for mum) but very successful in buying the most pimp-tastic jacket ever. I want to show it to someone before I describe it here, but if I can find a pic of it once I have, I’ll post it here – or perhaps even treat you to a photo of me modelling it. It’s fab!

ahhhh. It’s stopped raining and

ahhhh. It’s stopped raining and the sun is out – good things. And I have the prospect of attractive women running their fingers through my hair later.
Life is good. Groove Salad is pouring forth from my PC’s speakers and I’m almost being something approaching productive. Almost, mind you.
Comment writers are generally being quiet around here lately – so, if you have something worth saying, go ahead and speak.

TFF: a not-very-exciting 24 points

TFF: a not-very-exciting 24 points this week, taking my total to 434.
Transfers OUT:

  • Dudek (no surprise there)
  • Frandsen
  • J Cole
  • Solksjaer

Transfers IN:

  • Cudicini
  • Kewell (the one bright light in Leeds)
  • Jensen (budget limitations force me to look at the weaker teams)
  • Henry (a bit overdue – he’ll probably be jinxed now)

Lots of articles in the

Lots of articles in the media today about the UNMOVIC inspection of the Iraqi "presidential palace" – wow!
Of course, this leads to lots of questions about the Iraqi leadership’s spending policies in times of supposed economic hardship resulting, they say, from UN sanctions – I’d love to hear people like George Galloway MP explain this one away. But even so, this is clearly an utterly fantastic building, or complex of buildings, with stunning architecture and what appears to be very high quality materials and fittings. I’d love the chance to have a look around.