This morning, I have mostly

This morning, I have mostly been ambling around the flat, cursing my boiler that will run the central heating but refuses to provide any hot water (hey-ho, time to call out an engineer – that’ll be £75 at least) and singing Trio‘s classic 1982 hit Da Da Da.
This is probably not a good thing.

Donnie Darko was really good,

Donnie Darko was really good, although I’m not sure that it would rate as the best movie ever, which is how some people see it. But the cinematography was excellent, the characters generally very good (especially Donnie) and there were moments of great hilarity and moments that were very touching.
Anyway, followed the film with the briefest of appearances in W2, sighting Arron, Greg, Ruth and Hamish. I haven’t been out much this week, which means I haven’t seen much of people, but I do have more than the usual £3.50 left in my pocket on Friday morning. Considering the size of my credit card bill, this is a good thing.
May go out tonight, more likely tomorrow.

At the request of my

At the request of my family, who generally admit defeat when it comes to knowing what to buy me for Christmas, I’ve just written a lengthy gift suggestion list that features a rather large number of CDs.
If any of you are feeling stupid generous enough to buy me a gift, then haste ye to my Amazon wishlist.

I can’t believe it is

I can’t believe it is only Thursday. I woke up this morning utterly convinced that it was Friday.
Still, I can look forward to seeing Donnie Darko tonight, which I’ve been looking forward to for ages, and which has finally made it to the New Park. I hope it doesn’t disappoint.

Staying with cinema, the cinema section at looks good, covering Hollywood and local releases. And, according to IMDB, there are over 400 Colombian films.
I can see that I’m going to have to learn a little Spanish. I need to gain some language skills to go with everything that is happening at the moment, and I’ve been thinking about learning Spanish anyway, as it is probably the most useful holiday language for a hispanophile like me.