BBC News linkathon…Butterflies flight may

BBC News linkathon…

We’ve had a very similar

We’ve had a very similar problem to this on the nursery. It’s incredibly infuriating, as the police can check the vehicle details but can’t do anything about it unless it is stolen or not taxed, and the local authority has to serve a notice and then wait seven days before they can act. And why would anyone dump a car like that?

TFF: just 21 points taking

TFF: just 21 points taking my score to 455.
In other football news, Brighton are, at long last, off the bottom of division one, even if only just. I think the rest of the season could be quite nail-bitingly stressful for Seagulls fans.

Colombia link for today, for

Colombia link for today, for all you numismatists out there: Tokens of Colombia. Actually, if you’re interested in social history, I recommend you read this site, as it’s pretty interesting, relating the use of trading tokens in Colombia during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as a substitute and supplement for the official currency, particularly in poor and provincial communities.

Interesting meeting with an accountant

Interesting meeting with an accountant this morning, which has provided a little food for thought and given me a few things to work out.
Yes, I used the words "interesting" and "accountant" in the same sentence. Don’t be shocked.

I must be very boring.

I must be very boring. I’ve just been on the phone to someone who has gone to sleep at the other end. Now that takes real talent, I think – not just your ordinary level of boring achieves that. 🙂