
On the subject of next week’s launch of China’s first manned space mission:

The popular website reported that handguns, knives and other “defensive weapons” would be stored in the capsule.
On landing, the astronaut “will be able to deal with wild beasts, sharks and other dangerous animals or enemies”, the website reported.
The Chinese Government emphasised on Friday that the space mission was a purely peaceful exercise.

BBC reporting here.


I really must learn that the best way to clean bits of lint from my laptop screen is not to wipe my greasy mitts across it. Gah. Fingerprints.


Somehow, I’ve hurt my back. It was sore yesterday, a dull sort of ache just below and between my shoulder blades, and just to the right of my spine – a dull sort of ache that turns into a sharp stabbing pain if I reach or twist in a certain way. Various tinctures and potions have eased it a little, as well as an hour-long soak in the bath last night, but I think what I could really do with is a good long massage. I’m not sure that massage would actually relieve the pain, but it would certainly make me feel better!
I think my body may be beginning to rebel in reaction to timezone changes, excessive alcohol consumption and a lack of exercise. What I need is a period of rest, and, thankfully, I have an exciting yet restful and relaxing weekend lined up.


There are moves afoot to organise a UK bloggers Christmas party. What’s the betting that the idea will not get any further than everyone sitting around saying "yes, let’s do it!" because nobody wants the pain of actually organising the event themselves? Having been involved in coordinating this sort of thing before, I know that it is not a job for the faint-hearted, not least because attempted to find a venue and date that at least some people can accept is one of the most difficult tasks known to mankind. Still, if I’m around, I’ll go, as I haven’t been to one of these bashes in a long while.

UPDATE: I take it all back. Check here.


For the first time in a week, I slept absolutely solidly last night for nearly nine hours. I can’t say that I feel totally rested today, but I certainly feel much better.
There’s lots of work to be done today, so please excuse me again if I’m quiet.


Actually getting some work done today, so expect quiet.

(Actually, I wrote this three hours ago, and only got around to hitting "publish" now – that’s how busy I am. Fear me and my productivity.)