Well I never

I once wrote the following on this blog about Brooke, having read an article she wrote about autopsy on Barbelith:

I’ve had the good fortune to meet Brooke a couple of times – I’m not sure I had an idea of what someone who works in the science of death would look like, but my guess is that if you met her and didn’t know what she did, you wouldn’t guess correctly. You probably wouldn’t guess that she is an active and accomplished oarswoman too.

As it turns out, that’s not half of what you wouldn’t have guessed!
I rather suspect that the media storm is only just beginning.

5 Replies to “Well I never”

  1. There is photographic evidence of our meeting, although I won’t reproduce it here, largely because the Daily Fail has already been onto me to get my “story”. Not that the story is exciting – we met a couple of times and had a beer or two with a whole bunch of other blogging types. Darren at LinkMachineGo tells a good story.

  2. I’ll have a look. I trust you’ve been able to convince Mrs Graybo that it was BdJ’s daytime activities, not her night time ones. you meeting about!

    Blimey, I bet the Ruralville telegraph wires are buzzing with excitement at “the local connection”. 🙂

  3. Live quote from Ruralville telegraph: “Belle who?”

    Hels is amused that Brooke is selling her story whilst I’m hard at work on home made pickled onions.

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