
This picture does not show me tied to some railings with clingfilm whilst being soaked with a watering can and garden hose. Oh no.

Thanks to everyone that came along for my stag night on Saturday. Particular thanks to Kristian at W2, and to Tim for putting the whole thing together. A very good time was had by all (I think – I can’t remember!).

To have and to hold

On Saturday, H and I went to the wedding of Sarah and Paul, an event in which I got to play at least a small part in the rôle of usher – something that was a great honour.
Sarah has been one of my closest friends for very many years indeed (we try not to remember how many). She and Paul make one of the happiest couples that you could imagine. I *know* that they are going to have a great marriage.
The bride and groom

Barbeque with…

Tanya, Jeremy (congratulations on both on engagement, and happy birthday to Jeremy), Ian, Sacha, Paul F, Lord Percy, Lady Bren, Kearn, DA, Sarah, Simon and Matt (plus H, of course).

Beer with…

…Lord Percy, with sightings of Matt and Rachel.
BubbleFun – better in two player format, but worth playing against the server nonetheless.

Beer with…

Aris, Julie, their daughter Alex, Hamish, Ruth, Kearn and Greg, with sightings of long lost friend Guy, as well as Fi and Nicola.

Beer with…

Kearn, Lord Percy, Fi, Nichola and Kristian. Featuring silly memories of the night that Kristian and I hid behind the bar in W2 from Jeff.