Beer with…

(last night) Lord Percy, Lady Bren, Fi, Nicola, the other Helen W, Steve, Paul C, Paul F, Kearn, Steen, Al, Arron, Leah, Simon, Debbie, Simon, Ruth, Hamish and Terry. The first Friday night drinks I’ve had in Chichester for a long while – and it’ll probably be a long while again before the next time.


This evening, H and I will be at Lord Percy’s Grand Birthday Bash. It’s a fancy dress do, and I’ll be in a fetching Superman outfit. H, on the other hand, will be dressed in PVC as CatWoman. I don’t think she is likely to let me post a picture here, unfortunately for you!

Normal life?

Sometimes I wonder what life will be like when Hels and I can finally stop stressing about selling flats, buying a home and organising a wedding, not to mention work, family and all the rest. We’ve yet to experience anything that approaches what most people would consider to be "normal life" together. We frequently talk about the prospect of blissful times together, when we don’t have to do anything to a particular deadline, don’t have to worry where we will be living, not have to plan a major event and concern ourselves with the needs and desires of other people – and, most importantly, don’t have to hold those discussions over the telephone because we live 65 miles apart. We can’t wait for those days to come – at the moment, the prospect of those days is all that is keeping me going. Positive mental attitude. Positive mental attitude. Positive mental attitude. If I repeat it enough times, it may sink in and actually work.

[EDIT: actually, that’s not entirely true. What’s keeping me going is a very beautiful, amazing and wonderful woman who I love very much and who I know loves me too. But I didn’t want to say that too loudly in case you all threw up.]

In other news, happy 40th birthday today to Lord Percy. I spent a few hours this afternoon with Lord Percy and Lady Bren, helping to tidy and pack at Percy Towers, as they are moving to the new and more imposing Percy Towers, complete with columns, tomorrow. To say that they are mildly stressed would be an understatement – I hope I provided a little light relief.

And talking of light relief, Elaine over at Little Blue Fox has submitted an excellent new image to the Little Otik photo competition. Go see.

Litte Otik

I feel that I should explain the whole Little Otik thing, as I may be being a bit obscure for you all here. Some time ago, I went with Lord Percy and Lady Bren to see Little Otik at the cinema. It’s a film about a tree stump that looks like a baby.
B and G were working in their garden the other day and found a dead Pelargonium that looked like a little man, complete with hair. Naturally, they were reminded of the film, and with my birthday approaching, decided to put it in a spiffy little box and give it to me as a present.
It’s fab!

Beer with…

Lord Percy, Clive, Matt, Ted, Vick and Paul F, with sightings of Sally, Viv, Ted, Dave, Gary, Terry and other picture postcards. I also saw Bill, who is a client. Thankfully, he was more pissed than I was. So that worked out ok.

Love In The Kitchen

If I was still single, I’d go on this – not least because it is organised by my lovely friend Charlie, and I know her culinary skills to be excellent.
Anyway, it’s just an idea for any single people in striking distance of Brighton who want to give it a go. At the very least, there’ll be a laugh or six and some good food and wine.

Beer with…

…Greg, Paul C, Paul F, Kearn, Simon and Dave. Last night, obviously. Not this morning. That would be excessive.