Book review time (haven’t had

Book review time (haven’t had one of these for a while – college, work and everything else has got in the way of reading, but now I’ve found more time, and will gradually work through the backlog of books):
Don’t Tell Me The Truth About Love by Dan Rhodes – an excellent collection of short stories all themed around love. I have to agree with some of the other reviews that I have read – Dan Rhodes is brilliantly sparing with words – he can convey not only description, but raw and powerful emotion, using the minimum amount of words. In consequence, his stories flow without being interrupted by long wads of prose trying to convey something – excellent stuff.
The stories themselves manage to convey something of the reality of love, using quite unreal situations – in particular, he focuses on love’s imperfections, on how things rarely work out as well as we dream.
My advice – go get it, read it, enjoy.
Thanks to Vaughan once again.