links are now “teal” as

links are now “teal” as opposed to old “orange” which I was getting bored with. It was also too bright and didn’t really fit in with the “Grayblog” image (the name is a bit of a pun, and those who truly know who I am will get it – it is *not* an American spelling of grey!).

far more exciting than that – in less than 13 hours, I’ll be on holiday! whoopee! off to Brittany again to stay at Chateau de Kermezen once more. really looking forward to it, although not so sure about the crossing, as the sea state is described as “moderate to rough”. I’ve checked out the pharmacy for seasick pills, but they all cause drowsiness, which is no good as I will be driving too. Interestingly, the pharmacist recommended eating ginger – and everyone else I speak to says the same thing. So, on their recommendation, I’ve purchased a pack of ginger biscuits. Can’t say that I’m convinced myself. I’d rather fly, but AW is terrified of flying, something which I hope over the next few years I can help her get over.

right – work to do, then home to pack.