Yesterday, I finished reading A Sweetheart Deal and cried for most of the last two chapters. It’s a brilliant book, certainly Ben Richards’ best so far. If you haven’t bought it and read it yet, go and get it now. Sorry – you can’t borrow my copy as I’ve loaned it to Fi.
Inevitably, as soon as I’d finished it and got through an entire pack of Kleenex (I’m *such* a softy), I zipped down to Waterstones in search of new entertainment, and emerged with Atomised by Michel Houellebecq. Any book which has a picture of a near-naked woman on the cover and is described by the Independent as “gloriously, extravagantly filthy” has to be worth a look. Seriously though, I read his previous novel (Whatever) and enjoyed that, and this book focuses on relationships and interaction with the world – which if you have looked at the novels I’ve been reading in the last few months, you’ll know is a theme I’m always returning to. Will report back as I progress through the pages.
But do go and buy that Ben Richards book … no, now! go on…! go!