a few people have commented (thanks Luan) that I don’t write so much about me here anymore. Well, it’s true, and there are several reasons for it:
– I’ve not had too much to say
– I figured people might be getting bored of reading about me all the time
– sometimes it is best to keep quiet.
But, just to appease those people, here is a snapshot of my state of mind:
– yes, I’m still furious at what happened. It hurt. Bad. But I’m content to ignore and avoid the people involved and let them get on with it. I’ve got my own life to lead, and I’ve spent too long in the past chewing over “stuff” when things have gone wrong. I’m trying to move on and move forward, and lately I’ve been feeling pretty good about it. There have been a few positive things happening, and hopefully one day something good will occur (don’t worry, when it does I’ll be so full of myself that it will all be related here!). That does not mean that I am going to forgive the people that were involved in the bad stuff – in fact, I think I can safely say that nothing is less likely to occur. Other than me winning to lottery perhaps.
So: it’s forward looking, positive, happy, cheerful things going on around here and in my head. Further bulletins as events warrant.