went for beer last night

went for beer last night in the Nags (briefly) and then headed down to W2, in the company of Arron (who is off to St Lucia for a week – envy!) and Sarah. The girls behind the bar (Claudette and Michelle) had dressed up for Comic Relief – or should I say, “undressed-up”. Al was wearing the loudest shirt in history as well, which, to be honest, was much less easy on the eye than the girls’ attire! I don’t know how much money they had by the end of the evening, but at around 10pm Michelle told me they had collected more than £300, which is pretty darned good.
Sarah came back to mine for coffee and we chewed the rag. I wasn’t in the most bouyant of moods, and can’t say I feel much more cheerful this morning (which is not helped by a hangover and awful weather). However, the new issue of wallpaper* arrived this morning, and that has helped.