yesterday’s blogmeet in summary:
attendees included Brooke, Katy, Kylie, Catherine, Tom, Tom Ewing, Steve, Nick, Cal, Luke, Daveo, Rodney, Paul, Vaughan, Dan and Mo.
conversations included gatecrashing other people’s weddings (Cal), the explosive properties of olive pits (Mo), diagonal knitting (Brooke), breasts (Tom, perhaps surprisingly), how the parents of students can bribe them to visit home frequently by installing ADSL (Katy), digital photography (Nick “It Has To Be Done” Jordan) and being a blogging landlord (Vaughan).
most amusing moment for me: discovering that everyone (well, Cal and Tom at least) thought that this blog was a spoof and that the picture had been clipped from a Next catalogue! um..thanks guys! no, it’s all real!
there was also much talk on the subject of the location of the ukbloggers and what to do with the information I gathered in the survey. no real conclusions were drawn however.
I seemed to be the only one tackling the beer with any great gusto, and no vodkajellies appeared before I departed, which was a shame!
headed back a bit early as I didn’t want to get caught for another huge taxi fare, plus had a vague idea of making it back to the bar in time for last orders – but due to delays and diversions on the trains, I didn’t make it. guh.