Well, I certainly have packed a lot into my day off so far, and I have yet to get as far as the pub. Here is the day so far in bullet-points:
- Got up late, but not too late (good)
- Tidied all the papers that were strewn across the floor of my bedroom and actually filed them instead of pushing them into a pile in the corner (very good)
- …but it took much longer than anticipated (bad)
- Went to the bank and took steps to sort out my ailing finances (good)
- Then went and bought some clothes in Next (oh dear)
- …some bedlinen in Army and Navy (very bad)
- ….and a new saucepan (siiigh)
- …and a CD in MVC (very very bad)
- Went shopping in Waitrose for food and provisions (good)
- Bought lunch (necessary)
- Bumped into Alison (always a pleasure)
- Tidied the living room (good)
- Did some laundry (fluffy warm towels – hurrah!)
- Cleaned the windows (blimey! daylight!)
- Renewed my membership of the CIM (evil marketer alert! evil marketer alert! beyoop! beyoop!)
- Ordered two text books for next term’s course (using £50 voucher I won ages ago – two books for £7 inc postage – cool!)
- And finished the day off by ordering a new sexy black shit-hot frisbee (oh dear oh dear oh dear)
There was plenty more that I wanted to get done, but didn’t, but I reckon that is a pretty good show for one day.