Oh yeh, football season just

Oh yeh, football season just about upon us, so here are my fantasy teams for this year.
In Andi Turner’s Fantasy Football (which Nico put me on to) (henceforth referred to as AFF):

Goalkeeper Paul Jones Southampton
Full back Jamie Clapham Ipswich
Full back Joe Tessem Southampton
Centre back Matt Elliot Leicester
Centre back Wes Brown Manchester United
Midfielder Lee Bowyer Leeds
Midfielder David Beckham Manchester United
Midfielder Alan Boksic Middlesbrough
Midfielder Gustavo Poyet Tottenham
Forward Marcus Stewart Ipswich
Forward Emile Heskey Liverpool

In the Telegraph Fantasy Football (henceforth referred to as TFF), the team looks like this:

Goalkeeper Paul Jones Southampton
Defender Jamie Clapham Ipswich
Defender Ian Harte Leeds
Defender Lee Dixon Arsenal
Defender Michael Gray Sunderland
Midfielder Denis Wise Leicester
Midfielder Gary McAllister Liverpool
Midfielder Claus Jensen Charlton
Forward Emile Heskey Liverpool
Forward Marcus Stewart Ipswich
Forward Louis Saha Fulham

As you can see, there are some similarities between the two teams, with a few well known names and a couple of wildcards too. These are only the starting lineups, so there will be transfers during the season, although AFF rules allow for far fewer transfers than TFF. Weekly reports will be posted here, as usual.
And in other football related news, my team is 4 points clear at the top of division 17 at itsagoal.com, which is nice.