Isn’t there something in The Blogger’s Manual: 2001 Edition about not being so lazy as to trawl other people’s sites for content ideas? So sue me:
- I’m glad that being without Channel 5 and a mobile signal does not qualify a locale as “backward” in some way. If it did, then the Nag’s Head would be backward, as there is no C5 reception in Chichester at all (unless you have satellite) and the only way to get a mobile signal is to prop your phone against the Heineken pump. Not the Stella pump, mind, even though it is only 5 inches away. The Heineken pump.
- Some of you may know that I organise events as a sideline. It was this that initially got me interested in marketing – the pleasure I get from organising something that other people enjoy *and* earns money at the same time. The very first event I organised was held way back in 1993, at Parham House and Gardens to raise funds for the Mary How Trust for Cancer Prevention. I can’t remember how much money was raised, but I know it ran to many thousands of pounds all of which was put to good use in maintaining and operating a converted double decker bus full of cancer screening equipment. The volunteers from the Trust were keen that I, as a young man (only 22 at the time), should be aware of the risks, particularly of testicular cancer. The fact that nearly the whole of my extended family has had experience of cancer of some sort also tends to focus the mind.
So, chaps, get in the bath, relax, and then feel your bollocks. Get to learn what they feel like. And do this about once a month. And if, one day, you feel something unusual, you might just thank me.
What brought this on? This post. - And a quote for you, from Banana Yoshimoto‘s Amrita:
Of course there will always be calamities in this world, and I wonder why they exist. I ask myself that every time someone I know passes away, or I see someone in pain. But then I can’t help thinking about the other side of the story as well – the miracle of life that each one of us witnesses every day. Compared to the wonder of daily life, perhaps there isn’t a whole lot we can do about the sorrow.
Seems appropriate at the moment.