Well, I have to say that today’s exam (Wednesday’s) went much better than yesterday’s. Not that I’m exactly pleased with what I wrote down, but I feel that I did enough to pass, even if only just. Now I am absolutely shattered, so relieved that it is over and done. There’s nothing I can do about it now – just wait for my results. I know I tried hard. I’m not sure I did as well as I know I can, but I tried hard. Top marks to poor Frances, streaming with flu, who dragged herself through the exam. Respect due (just hope I didn’t get her germs, being sat next to her).
After the exam, I went for beer with Andrew, Chris, Leigh, Charlotte, Helen, Patrick, David, Heather, Ollie, Libby and Geoff, and later met up with Malcolm, Gary, Tim, Claire and Paul F, with a sighting of Julie and also Andy M. I feel as though a great weight has been lifted from me.
Now I’m at home, chilling, and listening to Gilles Peterson who is playing some very cool tunes. Right now I could easily collapse into a gibbering sobbing heap. I sooooooo need a hug. But then I am a bit feeble like that.