Oh, and if any of

Oh, and if any of you were worrying about me this morning, don’t bother, as I’m developing (well, actually I’ve had it for most of the weekend) a potentially dangerous gung-ho attitude to life and "stuff" that, most likely, will all end in tears, but might be fun whilst it lasts.
Just so that you know.

The radio grayblog homepage is

The radio grayblog homepage is now updated, including improved listening instructions after one or two people reported problems, and a fix for a broken link. The playlist now includes yesterday’s new additions, and these and future addiditons are/will be highlighted with the word "new" in red.
As I say, one or two people have reported problems with getting radio grayblog to work. The new instructions on the homepage should make it straightforward enough, but if you really can’t figure it out, just open Windows Media Player (assuming you are on a Windows PC), click on “Open URL” in the “File” menu and enter “http://www.live365.com/play/295011” – and Bob’s your uncle.

There are two guys outside,

There are two guys outside, with a Ford Transit precariously parked on the kerb, attempting to unload an enormous piece of awkwardly shaped and evidently heavy furniture of indeterminate purpose.
The Ford Transit has so many connotations in the English psyche, right from White Van Man driving like a lunatic as he hares around the suburbs making deliveries, through to the rusty vans in The Sweeney that always seemed to end up exploding in a quarry somewhere.
The one outside is definitely nearer the exploding-in-quarry end of the spectrum, being quite well dented, and with the windows down the side covered over with floral print wallpaper taped on with brown parcel tape. To hide what, I wonder?

Going out with fifty quid

Going out with fifty quid and coming home with fifteen is not good.
Nor is going out with a bad attitude and coming home with friends who are now pissed off. Sorry guys.
Anyway, vodka and slimlines tonight with Polly, Abby, Sarah, Paul, Guy, Paul F, Malcolm, Mark, Clive, Matt, Kearn, Hamish, Ruth, Tim W, Alex, and assorted others.
Positive thinking…. positive thinking.

Yay! At last! Brighton have

Yay! At last! Brighton have finally broken their run of 13 (or is it 14? I’ve lost count) losing games with a 3-2 home win over Bradford. That in spite of keeper Michel Kuipers being sent off and conceding a penalty for a professional foul. Plank.