What else can I tell

What else can I tell you at the moment….?

  • I’m in an incredibly good mood. Life is generally going along very very very well indeed, in just about all respects. This is, undoubtedly, a good thing, particularly as that is something that I’ve not always been able to say over the last couple of years.
  • I’m concerned that I’m not getting Christmas cards by the dozen at the moment. So far, the tally (excluding naff work type ones from van hire companies) stands at a somewhat paltry nine cards, which does not compare favourably with the 23 cards that I have already sent, not to mention the additional fourteen that I have yet to write. And e-cards don’t count.
  • I’m just about to eat a very large bowl of Scottish mussels in garlic and white wine sauce.
  • radio grayblog kicks ass, even if I do say so myself, and even if I haven’t updated it in ages. Must remind Charlie that she promised me a tune for it.
  • My new pimp-tastic jacket is definitely must-wear clothing during the current chilly spell – I’m so glad I was wearing it whilst standing on Worthing railway station this morning.
  • TFF: 28 points. Not very exciting.
  • New Wallpaper* arrived today – woo! yay!