Today has mostly been spent

Today has mostly been spent buying, wrapping and giving presents to people I love. This has to be the ultimate way to spend a day.
Chichester was great today – very busy, but not uncomfortable. The array of buskers and performers in the streets was dazzling, particularly the four blokes who played xylophones and glockenspiels all day at the Cross. Everyone seemed chirpy and cheerful, even the Big Issue vendor in East Street, who was still smiling in the drizzle amid the cacophany of buskers, children and shoppers.
During the day I’ve bumped into friends and acquaintances, old and new, ranging from a mad Cambodian about to head home for three weeks to a gay shaman who plans to demolish North Mundham and open up a reiki centre for gay bikers.
Actually, I’ve generally noticed that a lot of people are smiling at me lately – either they are reflecting the big smile that is glued on my visage at the moment, or I’m really funny to look at.