Hmm. Contemplating the weekend. Plan

Hmm. Contemplating the weekend. Plan at the moment looks something like this:

  • soak in the bath (done that)
  • bank and shopping. I’ve decided to hold back on the boots for a while – my finances are still not perfect by any means.
  • since the weather looks a bit pants, I may stay in and actually finish the long-awaited upgrade to radio grayblog
  • down to Percy Towers for sausage and mash, Beano stylee, before heading out to (whisper it) Thursdays for dancing and stupidity to celebrate Michael’s 40th.
  • Might go and see a film tomorrow morning. Persona is on at the New Park, but I’m not sure if I can cope with a hangover and a very bizarre film as well
  • Maybe a walk? Depends on the weather. Either way, a Sunday roast will almost certainly be called for