This from the eternally lovely

This from the eternally lovely Lizzie:

alright then my darlings, some dates for your diaries

I shall be previewing my Edinburgh Show –

Lizzie Roper Through My Keyhole

throughout July and just a tad in June. What I would love you to do though, is to make a note in your diaries of two special dates right now:

14th July Etcetera Theatre, 8pm
Oxford Arms Pub, (corner of Camden High St and James Town Rd)

21st July Etcetera Theatre, 8pm

Choose which evening you’d like to come and then write it in your diary!!!
If before then you get a friend ringing you up and asking you out on one of those nights you can then say, "that’s very kind of you, but I have to go and see my friend Lizzie in a show, she’s very talented and roode, perhaps you’d like to join me." and then your friend can come too and see how interesting and important you are!

I’d like to get a massive crowd of really friendly faces together for my last two previews so I can skip off to Edinburgh with the sound of your laughter in my ears and your handprints on my bottom.

Through My Keyhole is a filthy excuse for myself to get up on stage, wiggle my arse, talk dirty, be the centre of attention and generally misbehave, its quite fun to watch too! There’ll be a little bit of stand up, a little bit of character work and a lot of cheeky monkey ness, with perhaps a few beautiful moments to make you go AHHHH and love yourself just that little bit harder!

I’ve already tried out some character bits and its all going jolly well at the moment, so fingers crossed, god willing, baby Jesus on side an all that, everything will turn out lovely…
lets face it, this is my Bushtucker Trial… probably the scariest thing I’ve ever done in my life….
Please please please come and support me.

If you have friends who I’ve met but don’t have their emails please forward this on to them and come down together en masse. thanks for all your support.

Lizzie's poster
Click here to see Lizzie’s poster in all its 640K glory.

Then go and do your duty, and be sure to be at the performances.