Following cockinfrock, comes this from

Following cockinfrock, comes this from Lizzie:

Time to book yourself into lovely Lizzie Roper’s new Edinburgh Show, roll up, roll up, don’t be shy! Tickets are selling fast so make sure you ring now and book your place! Its a show about Boobs and Nuns and gerbils and defeat and joy and gin and despair. I play four new fabulous characters, all warped extensions of myself and in between I burble on in that weird way. Bring your friends, bring your love, bring your support, but most of all PICK UP THE PHONE AND RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW BEFORE IT GETS SOLD OUT!!!

Time Out’s already called it genius!!!

Lasso Productions presents

An evening of character comedy and dirty thoughts…

Directed by Leisa Rea

Edinburgh Festival London Previews
The Etcetera Theatre
Oxford Arms
265 Camden High St
Box Office 020 7482 4857

7th, 14th and 21st July 2003 at 8pm £5

At Last! After six years at the fringe collaborating on numerous successful projects, Lizzie Roper finally brings us what we’ve all been waiting for,
her first one woman show!

"She’s funnier than me!" Scott Capurro.

Self-satisfaction without touching yourself! Lizzie Roper takes you on a hilarious journey through personal confusion. How do we get from being all things to everyone, to the person that satisfies our-self?


"Split-personality, multiple-orgasmic, she wriggles, you giggle, this crazy lady keeps you drooling for more" LBC.

(I’m also on LBC tomorrow, Saturday, on Roland Rivrons show at 4.30pm – listen in, it would be lovely to have you!)