There seem to be some strange people walking around the city this evening, including a large group of mostly overweight girls, all wearing black with lilac coloured silk sashes, and purple hats that made them look like bit part players from Thunderbirds (and about as animated). They were followed by a couple where the man was clearly much older than the woman, but she succeeded in making herself look nearly as old as him by having a florid red complexion and a hairstyle that looked like something from a seventies fondue party.
I guess all of this could be related to the wedding cars I saw going up Orchard Avenue earlier. Then again, it could be something to do with the Festivites, as another bunch of people in black with sashes and silly hats has just gone by. This time they were mainly older men, and were carrying drums. Hmm. I think I may amble down to where the road is closed by the cathedral this evening and see what the heck is going on.