Wah! Someone has got to this site by searching for things related to my work! Yipes! Must get the Plants For Europe site proper online PDQ!
I only caught the last
I only caught the last 30 minutes or so of tonight’s live broadcast of Global House Connection, but I reckon it was one of the best I’ve heard yet. If I get time tomorrow evening (doubtful), I might listen to the whole show from the archive.
Remember this stuff? I think
Remember this stuff?
I think we used to call it "arrow grass" or "dart grass" as kids. I’m sure that you were just the same as me, and used to pull the heads off the plant and throw them at friends. They always stuck best to woollen sweaters – they were hopeless on cotton and polyester shirts. I seem to remember some story along the lines that the one that you would marry was the person who you could get these things to stick to. But then I’ve heard that about cleavers too, and it never worked for me. Not yet anyway.
I should be working, or
I should be working, or preparing lunch, or doing some laundry, or tidying the flat, or going for a walk or something. But, no, I’m working on posting some pictures here for your delectation. Don’t say that I don’t look after you.
Butterfly on ragwort, spotted as I strolled by the harbour on the hottest day of the year.
A decaying hulk by the boatyard at Dell Quay. I may go back and take more pictures of this on another day.
Chichester Harbour, looking west from near Copperas Point towards Oldpark Wood. Anyone that tells you that Chichester Harbour is not one of the most beautiful places in the country is talking pants.
Trees at the high water line, where Salterns Copse meets the briny. The roots seem to be clinging on for dear life to the banks of the channel here, and make fantastic shapes as they struggle.
Knapweed growing near Copperas Point. There was a huge patch of this plant, that was attracting a large number of small bumblebees.
Reedmace growing in the canal west of Crosbie Bridge at Donnington. The world and its wife (including me) usually calls this plant "bullrush", but strictly speaking that is something else entirely.
Without wishing to turn this
Without wishing to turn this site into a bloglog, I would like to point out that Ian is "creating new web content" over at his site after a lengthy-ish period of quiet, which is a good thing. Bizarrely, I got this news from a bloke on the other side of the planet and not a more local source. But, you know, distance is nothing in the age of zeros and ones.
International Power in talks to
International Power in talks to buy Drax. Drax? International Power?? It’s a trap! Clearly the work of Blofeld or SPECTRE! Where’s 007 when you need him?
(Related: Drax homepage).
I think I may be
I think I may be becoming impossible. This is, at once, a good thing and a very bad thing. Hey ho.
Anyway, very late beer with Kearn and Greg, with sightings of Kristian, Stein and Nicky. Yay! Home is where the beer is.
I meant to tell you
I meant to tell you about a couple I passed in South Street the other day. They were in their 40s, him in a sweater and chinos, she in a red summer dress. They were walking towards me, and as they passed, she said to him:
I can’t decide what to
I can’t decide what to comment on this morning – the desire of the New York Times to have the transcripts of the emergency calls of trapped people in the WTC on September 11 2001, or the desire of Christina, Britney and Madge to grab as many column inches as possible by having a girly snog on stage at the MTV awards.
So I think I’ll say nothing and leave you to draw your own conclusions, whilst I prepare for a day of meetings and visits.
qB and I are linked.
qB and I are linked. How odd.