From my email inbox: Afternoon

From my email inbox:

Afternoon all,

Well as some of you may or may not know (and for those of you who don’t I suggest you are seated when reading this!), I have decided to leave behind my materialistic world of BMWs, champagne and Waitrose to go and put my talents to better use in the world.

On the 29th October this year I will be leaving the UK for 2 -3 months to go to Nepal and teach English to the not so fortunate children of this world. I have thought about this for a long time and feel that if you are a strong, confident and fortunate person you should put something back into the world so I am off to help those who really need it in order to survive.

I am doing all of this through a company called I-to-I who ask that I pay my own way and then attempt to fundraise my travel costs back as it is all for charity! So I write to ask you all for some help in getting me out there. My travel costs alone are £2,500 without buying the equipment necessary to teach and survive out there. Now I am not sure if I will be back for Christmas or not yet so I wondered if any of you would be prepared to bestow an early Xmas present in either helping me do some fundraising using the attached sponsorship/donation form or making a contribution to I-to-I.

Nepal is one of the poorest countries in Asia and has the lowest literacy rate after India. The children who learn English have an estimated 60% chance of securing work and more optimistically a further education.

Some of you have already stated that you will try to help by getting your work to do sponsored dress down /up days or by getting sponsors for when you run marathons etc. Any companies who make a significant contribution (or better still wish to sponsor the trip!!) would get a link on all I-to-I sites and info and I would be prepared to do the t-shirt wearing, picture taking report thing, to show your company for the truly considerate people you are!

If you work for a successful company or have rich clients then why not ask them to contribute. Any help you can muster will be gratefully received and help out the kids too!! I will make sure I will keep you all posted on how it goes and will email you all pics and updates whilst away. (email address whilst out there

I also hope to hold a fundraising dinner and dance and will let you know more about this too.

If you have questions let me know and thanks in anticipation of your kind help!


When Penn says she is giving up BMWs, champagne and Waitrose, she means it. I am soooooooo proud of her, she never ceases to amaze me. If you can help her in any way, then I’ll be proud of you too. Either hit the email link above, or contact me and I’ll pass the details on.
And, in case you are wondering, getting Penn to pose in a t-shirt would definitely be a good thing!

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