
Well, the talk went better than I expected – I covered all the main points in a logical and complete fashion, and successfully fielded some difficult questions from a very switched-on audience. And I think I may have gained a new client who has a few problems with a plant that has already escaped into the marketplace, but may be salvagable from a commercial point of view. The venue was in the pavillion at Essex County Cricket Club, so there was a great view over the County Ground.
The only fly in the ointment was a lady who complained that I fidgeted about too much as I gave my presentation. I know I do tend to move a little, largely because I naturally tend to use gesticulation and body language to emphasize what I’m talking about, but she claimed that it was enough to make her giddy! I’ll try to be a bit more aware of it in future, but I naturally do that sort of thing as a subconscious action, so I’m not sure if I’d be able to control it and concentrate on what I was saying. Multitasking – not a strong point.

2 Replies to “Fidgeting”

  1. I had to give a presentation to a residents committee some 18 months back, as I knew I wouldn’t remember a thing about it afterwards I videoed it. It was useful to look back at afterwards and see where things could be improved or where they could be done differently. I also managed to surprise myself how well it had gone. I almost looked as though I knew what I was doing! 🙂

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