A special announcement

Well, for those of you who have waited patiently for a photo of Hels, here she is with your cheesily-grinning author on the banks of a canal in Copenhagen, with the impressive buildings of the Gammel Strand behind.
Hels and me, Copenhagen, 29 November 2003
In my original account of our long weekend in Copenhagen, I left out one thing that took place. On the Friday evening, we walked around Tivoli, admiring the beautiful fairy lights and watching all the happy Danes (and tourists) enjoying the rides, stalls and glögg. Having passed the skating rink and warmed ourselves by a brazier, we turned a corner and found the most breathtaking sight, a weeping willow with simple white lights along every branch arching down and wonderfully reflected in the water of a lake. It was utterly beautiful and we held each other close as we admired it. We stood there gazing at it, and agreed that it was very beautiful indeed. Then there was a pause. I turned to Hels, and said "Will you marry me?" – and without so much as a moment of hesitation, she said "Yes!"

On Monday, we stopped in a wonderful independent jewellers on the Strøget, where we chose and I purchased a beautiful white gold ring with four princess-cut diamonds, which Hels is wearing as she sits next to me now.

I am the happiest man alive.

[with apologies to all those who are reading this before I’ve had a chance to send you a personal message – we’re just so thrilled, that we want everyone to know!]

28 Replies to “A special announcement”

  1. Blimey.


    And other general words of exclamation.

    That is absolutely wonderful news. So pleased for you both. Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations!!!

    How on EARTH did you manage that! ๐Ÿ˜‰


    All the best for your future – you both look very happy!

  3. Hi GH
    Just popped into your site for the first time in ages and seems I timed it right. BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!!….Im thrilled for you both. xox

  4. Crickey – amazing news. We’re all very happy for you and Hels. We must try to get together for a celebratory drink before Christmas. Many, many congrats!! Nick, Anne and Sophie

  5. Dammit Graybo, if you think I’m granting you a divorce you’ve got another thing coming.


    Seriously though, many congratulations to you both.

  6. Belated as ever – maybe that should be the next blog title – but many congrats.

    All the best for 2004 – it’s looking pretty promising so far, and many happinesses (if that’s a word) for you, both as a couple, and also with PFE.

  7. I’d like to be the first to discuss the etymology of blimey — it’s a reduced form of ‘blind me’ and is, like ‘gorblimey’ and ‘cor’ and ‘gor’, an ellipsis from the interjection ‘God blind me’.

    But, blimey!

  8. Congratulations to you both!

    You make a lovely couple, and I’m sure you will continue to be very happy together!

  9. Better late than never, felicitation to you both and all the best, even the boracle couldn’t foresee that!!! nice one!!!!

  10. Well the boracle’s losing his touch then. I guessed direcly when Emma told me she had “some news”.

    Well done Graham. Sheer perceverance meant that someone would say yes eventually!

    I’m looking forward to meeting Hels…

  11. I say, well done!

    Sorry not to have noticed sooner but the end of term is a busy time here. I look forward to reading more about your plans.

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